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The Pygmalion Syndrome Chronological Story List
This page does exactly what it says on the tin*: it’s a chronological list of all the stories I’ve written to date. For story teasers, word counts and ratings, see the full Female and Male story indices.
*A well-known British advertising slogan
This list includes stories written in the year-and-a-bit before I launched this site.
Symbols: living statue/mannequin Living Statue/Mannequin (posable - usually); solid statue Solid Statue (rigid);
robotic Robotic (helplessly under external control); no freeze no freeze (rare!!!)
NOTE: The Ketrin series also contains some female erotic content, and is now hosted at the Ketrin’s World website

DECEMBER 2020 Love Among the Flowers living statue/mannequin
AUGUST 2017Adrift living statue/mannequin
Infinite Voyage living statue/mannequin
MAY 2017 Idol living statue/mannequin
Satyr Icon solid statue
SEPTEMBER 2016Walking robotic 
DECEMBER 2015 Ketrin Part Fifteen living statue/mannequin
September 2014 Ketrin Part Fourteen living statue/mannequin
MAY 2014Thirsty Goddess living statue/mannequin
(After Margaret St. Clair)
MARCH 2013 Ketrin Part Thirteen living statue/mannequin
NOVEMBER 2012One Perfect Moment (revised ending) solid statue 
OCTOBER 2012 Ketrin Part Twelve living statue/mannequin
APRIL 2012 Ketrin Part Eleven living statue/mannequin
FEBRUARY 2012One Perfect Moment - The Screenplay robotic 
JANUARY 2012 Flotsam: Male Problems living statue/mannequin
NOVEMBER 2011The Last Rose solid statue
Museum Peace solid statue
SEPTEMBER 2011Interlude in Bronze solid statue 
JUNE 2011Niche Occupation solid statue 
OCTOBER 2010One Perfect Moment solid statue 
SEPTEMBER 2010The Agency solid statue 
FEBRUARY 2010 Be2ng solid statue
JULY 2009 Ketrin Part Ten living statue/mannequin
JANUARY 2009 Ketrin Part Nine living statue/mannequin
DECEMBER 2008 The Story of the Film living statue/mannequin
OCTOBER 2008The Encounter solid statue 
DECEMBER 2007 Ketrin Part Eight living statue/mannequin
SEPTEMBER 2007 Horny God living statue/mannequin
JUNE 2007 Another Day solid statueliving statue/mannequin
APRIL 2007Flora and Fauna living statue/mannequinBeing solid statue
NOVEMBER 2006 Ketrin Part Seven living statue/mannequin
OCTOBER 2006 Sarmin’s Garden living statue/mannequin
AUGUST 2006Horny Goddess living statue/mannequin 
MAY 2006 Still On Display solid statueroboticliving statue/mannequin
APRIL 2006 Trophy living statue/mannequinrobotic
FEBRUARY 2006The Fountain living statue/mannequin 
JANUARY 2006Chola and Seki
Parts One and Two
 living statue/mannequin
OCTOBER 2005Soulsnight solid statue 
AUGUST 2005 The Plain of Ice solid statue
MAY 2005Shalvi living statue/mannequin 
Valley of the Domes living statue/mannequin 
APRIL 2005 Ketrin Part Six living statue/mannequin
DECEMBER 2004Cendriller solid statue 
OCTOBER 2004Gillian in Bronze solid statueComing Home robotic
JULY 2004The Treasure of the Ancients living statue/mannequin 
MAY 2004 The Sheherd Boy solid statue
APRIL 2004The Singer solid statue 
Suspended living statue/mannequin 
MARCH 2004The Enchanted Grove living statue/mannequin 
NOVEMBER 2003 Ketrin Part Five living statue/mannequin
MAY 2003 Ketrin Part Four living statue/mannequin
APRIL 2003Flotsam: The New Godess living statue/mannequin 
JANUARY 2003 The Tale of Avo and Ivo no freeze
JULY 2002 The Here and Now solid statue
JUNE 2002Jaskri’s Legacy:
Sondra and Veyy
 solid statue
MARCH 2002Jaskri and the Flotsam solid statueliving statue/mannequin 
OCTOBER 2001 Mist in Stone solid statue
SEPTEMBER 2001Flotsam: General Paralysis living statue/mannequin 
AUGUST 2001Graces solid statue 
Silent Witness - The Arrival solid statue 
MAY 2001 Ketrin Part Three living statue/mannequin
FEBRUARY 2001Flotsam: The Beginning living statue/mannequin 
JANUARY 2001 Endymion living statue/mannequin
DECEMBER 2000 The Boy who Stood Still living statue/mannequin
NOVEMBER 2000 Ketrin Part Two living statue/mannequin
AUGUST 2000Vacation in the Park solid statueKetrin Part One living statue/mannequin
Ketrin Prologue no freeze
JULY 2000The Chosen solid statue 
MARCH 2000Jaskri’s Child solid statue 
The Hours After solid statue 
JANUARY 2000 The Sculptor’s Model solid statue
DECEMBER 1999 Flotsam Male Remix living statue/mannequin
OCTOBER 1999Pleasure Trap living statue/mannequin 
SEPTEMBER 1999Flotsam living statue/mannequinOn Display solid statueroboticliving statue/mannequin
JULY 1999 Naked to the World solid statue
APRIL 1999Jaskri and the Maiden solid statue 
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